Thursday, February 21, 2002

(From journal: February 19, 2002 12:40 AM)
On the 14th, I just ranted and ranted for I think two pages, but now, right before my one day trip to Hokkaido, I feel much more at ease. The things I ranted about are by no means miraculously resolved. They didnÅft just disappear. They are still very much issues I have to deal with here and now, but the sting is gone. Yesterday, a spiritual seeker, Tomoe, came to have dinner with the Itos, and for the first time ever, I think I witnessed what it looks like to proclaim the Word of God BOLDLY. After the dinner was over, Pastor Ito just laid down Biblical truths in a way that I thought was in no way ÅgJapanese.Åh But it didnÅft matter, she ate it up, testimonies were being shared (my lone contribution because of sheer amazement), and before I knew it, Pastor Ito led her to pray the believersÅf prayer. I was shocked. ÅgThatÅfs not the Japanese way of doing it,Åh I thought. ÅgWhat happened to the infamous Japanese process?Åh Guess it wasnÅft needed this time, and Pastor Ito was wise enough to see it at the moment. Amazing. ItÅfs always amazing to see someone accept Christ, but this time was different. I mean even by American standards, Pastor Ito was talking about the Gospel boldly. By any standards it was bold, I would think. So that whole incident put a lot of things in perspective.

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