Friday, June 18, 2004


Had a great breakfast at Mama's in North Beach with Alinna followed by a great Giants game in the afternoon where we joined up with Jason, Mary, and Ev. Great time at the barbeque at East Bay... as usual. In the great words of the Kool-Aid man, "Oh yeah."

A thought on the megachurch phenomenon...

With the prominence of megachurches like Willow Creek and Saddleback, and their dubbed "success," I've seen a number of other churches try to imitate their style by investing considerable amounts of money to campus expansions, building renovations, and diversifying and increasing paid staff size. Granted, I definitely have a biased opinion about this, but wouldn't that money be better used for church planting rather than improving an existing church?

It appears that the early church thought so, that is, after the church in Jerusalem was dispersed. And if my generation is serious about desiring more intimate, closer, real communities/relationships, wouldn't ten 50-member churches be far more effective than a single 500-member church (all other factors aside)?

I remember reading this article from the Barna webpage when I was still in Japan. This may hold true right now, but I think the "Hope for small churches" section will be profoundly prophetic in the years to come.

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