Sunday, July 30, 2006

Celebrity Face Recognition

So, as I am innocently going to check up on my fantasy baseball team... something catches my eye on Yahoo! news. Apparently, there's a website called that specializes in building and making family trees. Well, the website has a fun little app called celebrity face recognition. has a database (a pretty wide one i might add) of about 3200 celebrity faces with which they'll match your face. Basically, you upload a picture of your face and it'll compare it to its database of celebrities and tell you the top 10 celebrities you most look like.

Who do I most look like? I look like Pol Pot. I look like a murderous dictator! To add insult to injury, the following celeb was Ruhollah Khomeini. I think it's the eyebrows.

This week in fantasy baseball: Beating Mike 8-2

Monday, July 24, 2006

How One Family is Combatting the Heat

Hilarious.  Well, I guess if it works for car windshields... why not homes as well?

Us?  We're boring and conventional and have a fan.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This week in fantasy baseball: Beat Ted 6-4 (in 7th place)

Friday, July 21, 2006

YouTube Junkie

I've officially joined the bandwagon and become a YouTube junkie. That's right. When I should be studying/reading/listening to lectures for school, I'll often be surfing around YouTube for things in the past that have just made me laugh out loud. Jon Stewart Daily Show clips, the episode on Fresh Prince where Will and Carlton enter the dance competition, clips from my favorite Japanese television show Karakuri TV, and the Joe Mikulik incident.

And so, for your viewing pleasure. Oh... it makes me laugh every single time I watch it.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

I Got Issues...

with Photobucket ever since I changed up the blog.

I'm just testing the picture resizing on photobucket.  Hopefully it'll pick up that the dimensions have changed.

Another picture from Williamsburg.  I think this is on my top 5 city signs I'd like to have.  It's up there with the immigrant family crossing sign on the freeway between Orange County and San Diego.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Oh, the picture on my profile... that's my best attempt at being Ben Tao.  I'm wearing his law school gown and his glasses.

And for good measure, here's a picture of me and Jason on that same trip to Williamsburg doing the whole North/South standoff thing.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This week in fantasy baseball: Losing to Ted  4-6

Monday, July 17, 2006

Getting with the Times

I have finally changed the look of the blog. I've found that they don't make my old template anymore on blogger. It's the end of an era.

These changes are not merely cosmetic. This isn't the E-equivalent of a Botox treatment. I've been struggling recently to change up and update the stuff on my template (switching comment box servers, adding an RSS feed, making the title of the blogs show up, and well, I can't remember the other stuff). I finally got fed up with it and scrapped the old html.

So! While the blog is in a bit of a transitional time, as it is evident by the pictures from photobucket that have not resized to conform to the new dimensions and the titles of the blogs showing up twice, the blog is new and improved!

Meanwhile in other parts of Hideyo's life, I have officially made the jump from regular soda to diet. I am now a consumer of Diet Coke with Lime. This too is the end of an era. Gone are the days of drinking a 1 Liter Mountain Dew or Pepsi right after playing basketball.

This week in fantasy baseball: Beat Dong 5-3 (currently in 7th place... at the half way mark I am within grasp of a playoff birth)