Sunday, July 30, 2006

Celebrity Face Recognition

So, as I am innocently going to check up on my fantasy baseball team... something catches my eye on Yahoo! news. Apparently, there's a website called that specializes in building and making family trees. Well, the website has a fun little app called celebrity face recognition. has a database (a pretty wide one i might add) of about 3200 celebrity faces with which they'll match your face. Basically, you upload a picture of your face and it'll compare it to its database of celebrities and tell you the top 10 celebrities you most look like.

Who do I most look like? I look like Pol Pot. I look like a murderous dictator! To add insult to injury, the following celeb was Ruhollah Khomeini. I think it's the eyebrows.

This week in fantasy baseball: Beating Mike 8-2


messy said...

I ran the recognition and got... STROM THURMOND!!!

I knew I was getting older, but C'MON!!

Bob said...

I saw that same yahoo article. I'l probably post my own thing to it once I get around to uploading one of my photos to the site...

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Dr. Evil wasn't on the list....was he?

Anonymous said...

i got the president of south africa.

Anonymous said...

Umm...Apparently, I look like absolutely no one! The search timed out 3 times (and I have cable modem!!) and when it finally didn't time out, there were 0 matches. Yep, not a single one.

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