Saturday, May 01, 2004

Ahhh, the last of the boxes I shipped home from Japan came in yesterday! This is cause for celebration. What was in the last box? Oh, all the necessary things for survival in Japan. English Bible, Japanese Bible, photos, dress shirt, running shoes, Xbox, Xbox games.

In other news, we, at East Bay Free Meth thought of yet another game last night. There is a new East Bay game. The basic version of the game requires only one person and a hula hoop. The guy rolls the hula hoop on the ground in such a way so that the hula hoop rolls back (requires spin). As the hula hoop rolls back toward the starting point, the guy tries to dive through the hula hoop without disturbing the rolling hula hoop.

Over the course of the night, a number of variations were created. Multiple hoops were used. Multiple people were used. A no jumping rule was put into effect (also known as the T-Rex method). And of course different styles of diving were used to see the most effective methodology. I have some video of the activity, but unfortunately, I do not have a place for it on the internet. I'm hoping Charlie will post it on his website sometime soon. We'll see.

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