Wednesday, July 31, 2002

So, today, I go around running various errands. It was a little humid out but not too bad... temperature was comfortable in my T-shirt and jeans. And as soon as I step out of a store, I was hit with nasty humidity. You could drink the air. You didn't walk around anymore, you had to swim from place to place. Ok, so maybe i'm exaggerating a little... but it's nasty. It's like the air right after you take a shower, except you can't simply go to the next room to dry off.
Side note: I finally asked jeeves on the internet to find out the celcius/fahrenheit conversion because i'm tired of being confused everytime i walk past the digital thermometer down the street from my apartment. So it's F=(9/5)C + 32 or C=(5/9)(F-32). So today was 82.4F... not bad... but then you have to add in the 150% humidity. Yuck.

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