Tuesday, December 16, 2003

It was surfing through people's xanga and blog sites... is anyone not super duper stupendously excited about the upcoming Lord of the Rings movie? Maybe it's because I'm away from the hype. It's like the time when Finding Nemo came out in America a number of months ago. Seemed like everyone was all excited like a bunch of preschoolers with a chocolate caffeine rush.

By the way, Finding Nemo just came out on theaters here in Japan. Why the long wait? Because it's a kids' movie, subtitles won't do. So, they need to dub over the voices. Hence, it takes time.

On the other hand, Lord of the Rings is coming out in late January I think. I might be wrong. But it's somewhere around there. Maybe the hype will hit Japan in a couple of months. Then again, even if the hype hits Japan, there'll be no way I'll know about it. Our city doesn't have a movie theater. The neighboring city of Muroran has one. Not two, but one. I probably wouldn't go all that often anyway. It costs about 2000 yen (about $18) for a ticket!

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