Wednesday, June 26, 2002

I don't get myself sometimes. So a few days ago, I go to the supermarket because I'm low on food. Among other things, I buy some vegetables. Before I pick em up, I have a set idea of how to use them for food that I'd eat (I'm not a real big fan of salads... I don't have any salad dressing in fridge now, and I don't think I had any salad dressing in my college apartment fridge either). So here's the mystery. I know how I'm going to eat it beforehand. I put the vegetables in the crisper (that compartment in the fridge that's supposedly a little cooler), I use some of it for dinner for that night, but I don't use all of it. It's ok right? Wrong. Somehow, I kind of forget about or something... I don't really know. I might use the veggies one more time but that's the max. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the veggies go bad in the fridge a few days later.
THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS. And maybe it's the Asian person in me... but when I see food go bad, it's a mini tragedy. "What a waste!" "Think of all those starving Ethiopians." Now the problem solver in me thinks about this problem and sees two logical solutions. A: Think of a way to make sure that the veggies last longer than 4-5 days in fridge (Unlikely). Or B: Buy less veggies in one trip to the supermarket (More realistic). I think I've gone through this process a million times over the passed 4 years. But somehow, I keep getting the same amount of veggies when i go to the supermarket. Maybe I'm trying to feel good about myself buying veggies. Or maybe I'm an idiot.

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