Sunday, November 23, 2003

Today, there was an art display at the city community center. They were displaying the works of art of the elementary school kids from the city of Date. When I saw what many of them had drawn, I couldn't help but laugh. No no, the drawings were actually very good. A lot better than me when I was in elementary school. Man, a lot better than me now. It wasn't the technique that made me chuckle. It was the subject of their drawing.

When I was in elementary school, I think I drew stuff like cars and airplanes and big buildings and dinosaurs (or at least things that resembled dinosaurs in my mind). What did the children of Date draw? I saw about 5 construction shovels. And I saw about 15 tractors. The others, were things like trees and flowers and stuff. This was a pretty small display too. 15 tractors! I was like, "Where am I? Iowa?" Nope, Date, baby.

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