Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Absentee ballots.

Thanks to a little nudge from Christina, I applied for an absentee ballot for the California Democratic primaries. Because I don't have satellite tv here in Japan, I've resorted to MSNBC's streaming video news clips to help me make a decision. I think they do a decent job. But honestly, I don't know if it'll make much of a difference by the time Super Tuesday rolls around. Candidates are dropping like flies. Although, I do believe Dennis Kucinich and Al Sharpton are still running. Hmm...

Can someone explain to me the appeal of John Kerry? I just don't understand it. Why do people like this guy? I don't know, he just sorta reminds me of the second coming of Al Gore. Nothing to be excited about. Just some dude who's riding this whole "Anybody but Bush" thing to the end. Al Sharpton, however.... hahaha.

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