Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Gotta love Jeff Tang.

I sent him the link to the video linked on Seri's xanga in her February 3rd post. He loved the video tons. Basically, it's two Berkeley guys doing a little music video. So on AIM we started talking about it.

HKKai: this was done in a dorm room (i recognized the bed frame)
Heeday1719: yah
Heeday1719: it says ehrman
HKKai: oh right..haha..i thought it was one of their names
Heeday1719: haha
Heeday1719: who's the last asian person you know named ehrman
HKKai: Jeff Jr.
HKKai: he'll be the first
HKKai: oh wait... he can't be named jr. then
Heeday1719: hahaha
Heeday1719: oh that's hilarious
HKKai: yeah... that was dumb
HKKai: i'm just being a funny berkeleyan
Heeday1719: i hafta post that
HKKai: yeah, see, i'm just as funny as william hung and the cereal and milk boys
Heeday1719: yes you are

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