Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The marathon day.

My class schedule runs like this:

Greek: MWF 8-1PM
Foundations: W 6:30-10PM

The foundations class, however, only meets three times in the entire quarter. And of course, today is one of those Wednesdays. So, what does that mean? Today, I have class from 8AM til 1PM, and again from 6:30PM til 10PM. It is 3:21PM right now, and I'm at the school library at one of the computer stations typing this blog because I don't want to do my homework right now... and because I have 5 1/2 hours of wait time between classes. Why not drive home? Because A) I get more work done when I'm not at home (as my blogging now clearly indicates) and B) I'm running low of gasoline right now, and I don't want to fill up another tank (basically, I'm cheap).

What have I done so far in the last 2 1/2 hours? I finished my Greek homework, went poo poo, caught up on my emails, and now, I've blogged about my exploits on this Fuller campus today. Hooray for me.

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