Saturday, August 31, 2002

I thank God for people who keep me in check and remind me of what's really important. Last night I was talking to Lauren on the phone and she was my great encourager this time around. Apparently, she read some of the stuff on this blog... and she points out the August 7th entry, the one about my big picture lesson from the book of Daniel in the Bible. Last night was the night of the 30th here in Japan. So, she talks about how that particular entry was an encouragement to her, and I feel like a total fool. You see, that was my big lesson from my reading of the book of Daniel, and I followed that up with about a good week of obedience to that lesson. The entry was made 23 days prior to the conversation. 23 days! It wasn't that long ago, and it was like I completely forgot that I learned that lesson. I wasn't a total hypocrite... I mean, for a week I did what i learned. But it was a week. Not exactly a length of time that shows commitment or real learning. After that, who knows what happened in my mind. And last night, I hear that those exact words helped someone out. There was no way I could respond in any way to that. Everybody has an "ugly face" that comes around when you don't know what's going on or are completely dumbfounded. My "ugly face" looks like I'm about to sneeze. Don't ask me why... it just does. Yeah. I can't see my own face without a mirror, but at that point in time, i'm sure i looked like i was about to sneeze.
Anyway, i was re-encouraged, to pray as I "learned" from Daniel, by God's messenger, Lauren. Much thanks.

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