Thursday, August 29, 2002

Thanks to Ben and Kyle for your responses. They've given hope to many Japanese people around me. Especially when compared to Yoko Ono, the evil one who broke up the Beatles. Keep posting your answers if you've got em... and I'll pass the answers along. It seems that Japanese people are interested as to how Americans see them.
Anyway... so as I was surfing the web just right now... I came up on this article from Christianity Today. I think it's a bit fun and kind of interesting. Just a quick rundown of the article, it's reporting on a conversation the magazine did with an IM bot. Basically, the magazine people evangelized (talked about how someone can become a Christian) the Austin Powers IM bot... yes, the one that's publicizing the Goldmember movie (a movie that hasn't made it out here yet). I think the article's a bit interesting for both Christians and non-Christians alike. I'm interested to hear what you all think about the article.

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