Sunday, August 24, 2003

One thing I can't get used to, here in Japan... the way guys cross their legs when they're sitting down.

When I sit down, I'll cross my legs by making something that looks like the figure 4. No, not the old school wrestling move. The actual number "4". I'll pick up one of my legs and put it on the other so that the ankle of one leg is resting above the knee of the other leg. Not only is it comfortable, but it also doubles as a mini-desk if I don't have one in front of me. Yeah, pretty standard right?

Well, apparently, it isn't here in Japan. The guys here cross their legs the feminine way. You know, with the knee of one leg above the knee of the other leg. Girls doing this is understandable. But guys? YO! Doesn't it hurt? Or at least feel uncomfortable? I mean, anatomically, guys shouldn't be able to do something like that.

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