Wednesday, April 09, 2003

The pastor at the church I'm at is turning 70 years old this year. And according to Japanese law, because he's turning 70, he has to go get a new drivers' license. To get this new "old-man" drivers' license, he supposedly has to go sit in for a drivers' ed class, take a written exam, and eye exam. Well, he's not too sure he can pass.
In explaining why he's not too sure about his ability to pass, he talked about his driving experience yesterday. Yesterday during the afternoon, he decided to go visit his grandson in the hospital. By the time he was done visiting his grandson, the sun went down. Not only that, but it started to rain. Basically, what little he could see while driving in the dark, he couldn't see anymore because of the rainy conditions. Today, as he was telling his story, he was laughing saying, "I couldn't see a thing while I was driving yesterday in the rain, so with sheer determination I got home. I just gritted my teeth, gripped the steering wheel, and went."

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